Browse mineral resources


Red Bluff Claims

L-Bar Deposits

Saint Anthony Mine

Anaconda Section 9 Mine

F-33 Mine

Last Chance Mine

Lone Pine 3 Mine

Mirabal Fluorspar Mine

Mount Taylor Mine

Zia Mines

Boneekay Mine

Grants Fluorspar Mine

San Antonio Valley Deposit

Mark No. 11 Prospect

Holy Terror Prospect

Zorro Deposit 1958

Juniper Deposit

Breece Prospect

Stella Mae Prospect

Malpais - Zuni Prospects

Section 15 Prospect

Unnamed Occurrence

Prospector Deposit 1966

Section 30 Prospect 1966

Section 29 Prospect 1966

Mack Prospect

Mark Nos. 1 To 3 Prospect

Mark No. 9 Prospect

Unnamed Prospect

Unnamed Prospect

Unnamed Prospect

Unnamed Prospect

Unnamed Prospect

Unnamed Prospect

Unnamed Prospect

Unnamed Prospect

Unnamed Prospect

Betts Deposit

Name Unknown Bentonite Prospect

U.S. Gypsum Company Perlite Deposit

Pumice Corporation of America Deposit

Name Unknown Scoria Deposit

Name Unknown Scoria Deposit

Name Unknown Scoria Deposit

Name Unknown Scoria Deposit

Name Unknown Scoria Deposit

Candelaria Pit

Cubero Land Grant Association Pit

Roundy Pit

Sanchez Pit

Tinaja Pit

United States Gypsum Company Mine

Twenty - One and Twenty - Seven Fluorspar Mines

U.S. Gypsum Perlite Mine

Bonita Mine

Paguate Deposits

San Mateo Mine

Zuni No. 1 Prospect 1946

Head Prospect Group

Mark No. 8 Prospect

Unnamed Prospect

Unnamed Prospect

Unnamed Prospect

Unnamed Prospect

Smith Group Prospect

Name Unknown Scoria Deposit

Name Unknown Scoria Deposit

Woodrow Mine

Irene No. 2 Claim

Pit No. 1

Unnamed Pit

Materials Pit 57-76-F


Materials Pit 61-17-S

Bentonite Deposit

Irene No. 2


Materials Pit 61-15-S

Balo Deposit

Turkey Springs Pit

Unnamed Borrow Pits

Jj #1

Hamilton Pit

United Nuclear-Homestake Mill

Unnamed Uranium Deposit

Double Jerry

Betts Deposit

Acomita Pit

Unnamed Uranium Deposit

Wx Lobo Pit

Materials Pit 57-124-S

Ojo Caliente Springs

Materials Pit 64-51-S


Ingerson Deposit

Materials Pit 61-14-S

Alpine Miner Test Area

H-1 Mine

Unnamed Pit

Materials Pit 57-78-S

Twenty-One & Twenty-Seven

San Mateo Mine


Materials Pit 77-40-S

Materials Pit 67-31-S

Griego Pit and Crusher

Sandy Deposit

Unnamed Borrow Pits


Chavez Deposit

Unnamed Pit

Unnamed Cinder Pit

Unnamed Uranium Deposit

Malpais - Zuni Group

Juniper Deposit


Unnamed Uranium Deposit

Snyder Pit

Wind Whip

La Jara

Materials Pit 61-49-S

Carnation-Columbine Claim Group

Twenty-Seven Mine

Unnamed Uranium Deposit

F-9-2 Mine

Unnamed Uranium Deposit

Porter-Mirabal Prospect

Low Lease

Materials Pit 57-108-S

Miable Mine

Bluewater Uranium Mill

Lone Pine #3

Unnamed Cinder Pits

Materials Pit 68-21-S

Woodrow Mine

Materials Pit 67-30-S

Unnamed Uranium Deposits

Materials Pit 64-50-S

Materials Pit 65-31-S

Unnamed Pit

Stella Mae Prospect

Materials Pit 77-21-S

South 125 Pit

Homestake F-33 Mine

Crusher Plant

Rinconado Pit

Materials Pit 61-16-S

Gay Eagle

L Bar Mine

Road Material Pit

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